Tomas Wittelsbach has produced this collection of clasps that you can use or modify for your custom jewelry. Use these models as a starting place to create your own unique pieces.
This collection also includes the boolean cutter used to produce the live hinge mechanism on each clasp. You can use this cutter to design your own claps with a working spring hinged mechanism.
Purchasing will get you access to the clasp cutter and 4 custom precut clasps. The models will be delivered as a ZTL file. Purchase this collection to download the files.
What you'll get:
- 4 custom made clasps as a ZTL File
- The boolean cutter used to make the clasps (included in the same ZTL file)
- Lifetime access to any updates or additions made to this collection
The link to download your purchase will be emailed to you. There is no physical product associated with this purchase. There is no course/videos associated with this purchase.
Do not purchase this collection if you already purchased an All Access Pass to ZBrush Jewelry Workshop. All collections are free for All Access Members.